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Sherbets and Drinks Recipes

Cinnamon Sherbet (Sherbets and Drinks Recipes)

Banu Atabay's Karanfil Şerbeti
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Cinnamon Sherbet

# Boil the water, dissolve the sugar cubes in boiling water.
# Cut the cinnamon gloves into a few pieces, and put them into the boiling water, mix it, remove the pot from the stove and rest it for half an hour.
# Place the pot over heat again and boil it again. When the mixture reaches to the right consistency, and turns to the colour of cinnamon, remove the pot from the stove.
# Cool it down at room temperature, strain it, and refrigerate. Serve it cold.

Note: Cinnamon syrup eliminates the foul breath, and it is digestive, refreshing, and nice to drink.

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5 cinnamon gloves
5 sugar cubes
1 cup water