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Desserts With Syrup Recipes

Sultan's Wraps (Desserts With Syrup Recipes)

Banu Atabay's Padişah Sarması
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# Firstly, prepare the syrup. Boil the mixture of sugar and water. When the mixture reaches to low consistency, add lemon juice into the mixture. Boil it for 5 minutes more. Remove the mixture from the stove and let it cool down.
# Break the eggs into the mixing bowl, add milk, sunflower oil, vinegar and warm water on it. Mix it well.
# Ten add salt in it, and add sifted flour into the mixture little by little to make the dough reach to medium consistency. Rest the dough for 20 minutes.
# At the end of the resting time, divide the dough into 6 equal pieces. Roll out each of the dough pieces, as thin as you can, by a rolling pin over the bench, which you sprinkled the mixture of starch and flour all over before starting to rolling over.
# Cut off the circle shaped edges of the rolled out pieces to shape them as rectangle. Place the remaining oval pieces over the rectangles. Sprinkle enough crushed almond all over the rolled out dough, and pour 2 or 3 tbsp of melted butter all over also.
# Finally, roll it, not too firmly but also not loose. Cut the roll into pieces, each has 1 inch thickness. Place these cuts onto the greased baking tray firmly, by getting the cut sides vertical. Repeat the same processes for the remaining 5 dough pieces also.
# Pour the remaining melted butter all over the prepared Sultan’s Wraps. Place the tray into the oven, which is preheated to 355 F, and cook them until they turn into golden yellow.
# Rest it for 3 minutes, after removing it form the oven. Then, pour the cold syrup all over. Serve it for about 4 hours later.

Note: You should remove the bubbles, which seems during the melting. Otherwise, they darkens, while pouring it all over the dessert and ruins the view of the dessert.

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2 eggs
4 tbsp milk
2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 tbsp vinegar
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt
4 cups flour
1 pack butter (8.8 ounces)

For Rolling Out:
1 cup wheat starch
1 cup flour

For Stuffing:
2 cups crushed almonds

For Syrup:
2 + 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 + 1/2 cups water
1 tbsp lemon juice