[color=red:a73e003c25][b:a73e003c25]For the memory of Red Poppies which are dying out.[/b:a73e003c25][/color:a73e003c25]
# Pick the petals of the red poppies, wash them well, strain them to get clean petals over the strainer.
# Place the petals into a steel pot, Add lemon juice and ginger in it, and knead the mixture until the petals lose their shape.
# Add 2 cups of water and 2 cups granulated sugar onto the mixture, and poach the mixture for a few seconds.
# Strain the mixture to remove the petals, place the strained liquid over heat again.
# Poach it without covering the lid on, to evaporate its water.
# Remove it from the stove, and let it cool down.
# Put 2 tbsp sherbet into the glass, and fill the remaining part of the glass with water, and mix it well while serving. Drink cold.