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Desserts With Syrup Recipes

Wrapped Kadayif (Desserts With Syrup Recipes)

Banu Atabay's Burma Kadayıf
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Wrapped Kadayif

# Prepare the syrup at first. Boil the mixture of granulated sugar and water over medium heat, until it reaches to the right consistency. Then, turn the heat to low, add the lemon juice and boil the mixture for about 1-2 minutes more. Then, remove the pot from the stove.
# Melt the butter in a small pot, without burning it. Cool it down, by stirring time to time. Add grape molasses in it.
# Take a pinch of kadayif. Lay it over the bench with about 8x3 inches size.
# Put some pistachio over it as a string. Wet your fingertips and start to rolling the kadayif around the pistachio string. Roll it firmly.
# You can keep it as a roll or you can keep one of the ends of this string stabile and turn the other end around the first one to shape it as a rose.
# Grease the tray with the mixture of grape molasses and melted margarine. Place the prepared wrapped kadayif rolls into the tray firmly. Pour the remaining mixture of grape molasses and melted butter all over the wrapped kadayif rolls.
# Place the tray into the oven, which is preheated to 374 F. When its upper side turns into red, remove it from the oven. Reverse them respectively, or reverse the tray over another tray, which has the same size with the first one.
# Place the tray into the oven again. When they turn into golden yellow color, remove the tray from the oven. Pour the cold syrup all over urgently. When it soaks the syrup, serve it.

Note: A special kind of kadayif is produced for preparing this recipe, this type of kadayif ahs thicker and longer strings. If you can’t find this special type of kadayif, you can use "tel kadayif" also.

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1.10 pounds kadayif
1 pack butter or margarine
1 tbsp grape molasses

For Filling:
1 + 1/2 cups pistachio

For the Syrup:
3 cups granulated sugar
3 + 1/2 cups water
Juice of half lemon, small size